Test Driving & OperationSystem Engineering and Requirements Engineering

Since nowadays all modern vehicles are equipped with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), we have adapted and gathered the required knowledge in order to support the needed complexity of testing such systems.
GESS has achieved the level of competence and required experience suited for testing Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) at any test level.
Our services are suited for OEM testing for the Vehicle-in-the-Loop (VIL) verification of the safety relevant features of automated and autonomous driving vehicles.
GESS can provide a wide range of services in terms of field operation tests, endurance runs, data collection with any type of vehicle, cars, trucks or motorbikes.
According to current requirements and standards our knowledge allows for testing of mixed scenarios and test protocols with multiple vehicles considered, operation of measurement technology including troubleshooting, tire testing and all other related activities.
The gained experience also covers vehicle tests like standards testing – NCAP testing or testing of vehicles under continuous driving conditions.
When we talk about Vehicle testing, we mean to test all your ECUs from that vehicle, whether we talk about windows, doors or body control modules, whether we talk about break and stability systems along with suspenssion systems, or if we refere to safety sensors and systems such as radars, cameras and infrared devices.
We constantly strive to be excellent in everything and vehicle testing is not making an exception, therefore we constantly seek the best results in a timely manner.
Vehicle testing is indispensable in the entire product development process of automobile manufacturing, therefore function testing or an intensive prototype testing are essential to bring a vehicle to production maturity.
We cover all testing scenarios based on customer requirements, as well as testing, for existing standards and protocols: EuroNCAP, NHTSA, ANCAP, C-NCAP, J-NCAP; Multiple test scenarios on test tracks (Dynamic maneuvers, AEB scenarios on moving and stationary objects, ACC routes, USS sensor testing, Traffic alerts for forwards or backwards driving, Long and Short Range Radars, Camera sensors, Fusion, Gateways)